Please note that we will have one formal class debate, one extemporaneous class presentation, and one planned class presentation over the course of the semester. 请注意,我们整学期课程将有一次正式的课堂辩论,一次即席课堂抽问,以及一次事前准备的上台报告。
Participation includes informal class discussion of the readings and films, in-class presentations, and a formal class debate. 参与包括参考读本和电影的非正式课堂讨论、上台报告,以及正式的课堂辩论。
The term "abstract" comes from C++, where it can be part of the formal declaration of a class. 术语“抽象”来源于C++,在C++中它可以是类的正规声明。
All of the code that checks formal expression validity is in a single class. 检查正规表达式正确性的所有代码都在一个独立的类中。
Convergence of Formal Series Solution to a Class of Non-Homogeneous String Vibration Equation 非齐次弦振动方程的形式级数解的收敛性
Students must come to class prepared, as discussion will often take the form of a formal debate of the issues read for that class session. 学生必须提前准备,因为讨论通常会以正式辩论形式进行,内容就是那堂课要阅读的问题。
If Jscript does not have a formal notion of a Class then how does it support defining Classes and creating instances. 如果Jscript不支持一般意义上的类,那它是如何来支持定义“类”,并创建实例的呢?
The school is thinking of offering a formal dance class to interested students. 学校决定为感兴趣的学生开设正式的舞蹈课程。
Professional skills acquired, learnt primarily through formal training in class, are developed in performance. 学生从课堂上得到的正规训练和专业技巧,会通过演出加以发挥。
A formal dance held for a school class toward the end of the academic year. 因为最后一学年为学校班级举行的正式舞会。
In some cases, schools will provide you with a formal training class and you will receive a certificate. 一些时候,学校会提供培训课程,并会给你颁发结业证书。
After each of those teams makes a BRIEF formal presentation, there is a class discussion on that topic. 在各组做一个简短正式报告后,会有该课题的课堂讨论。
They also have some formal class teaching when this is appropriate. 在适当时机他们还可以进行常规的课堂教学。
Next week Coutts and co becomes the latest private bank to launch a formal course designed to help an elite class of the young rich to manage their money. 下个星期,couttsandco将成为最新提供相关课程的一家私人银行,这个正式课程旨在帮助精英阶层的年轻富豪管理财富。
Dashan: We didn't have a formal class together. 大山:我们并没有上过什么正式的课。
Systematic training is implemented. Formal skill class with practice& examination. 系统化完整执行,且有正规技能培训,实习,考核等。
S.Having no formal education, he was placed in an ungraded class reserved for immigrant children, who had to learn English from scratch. 由于他没有受过任何正规的教育,他只能被安置在一个未定级别、专门为移民儿童所设置的班级里,必须从头开始学习英语。
To describe the interactions among icons and their dynamic behaviors, a Petri net-based iconic programming system is presented. First, the formal definitions of 4 basic class icons are given. 为了描述图标间的相互作用和它们的动态行为,作者提出了一个基于Petri网的图标编程系统.本文首先给出了四类基本图标的形式定义;
The formal education aimed at the youth implements in the class teaching and social activities. 正规教育主要是面向青少年进行的课堂教育和社会实践活动。
In this paper, by means of the method of supper and lower solutions we investigate the existence of solutions and uniformly validity of formal solutions for a class of singularly perturbed nonlinear integral equations of Volterra type. 本文利用上、下解方法研究一类奇摄动非线性Volterra型积分方程的解的存在性和形式解的一致有效性。
In school administration, we usually attaches more importance in the formal organizations such as teacher in charge of the class, class design as well as class mechanism than in the informal organizations. 在学校管理中,不管是教育行政主管部门还是学校管理部门,对班级正式组织的管理与研究都是十二分的重视,如对班主任、班级设计、班级机构等正式组织的研究,成果不少。
In this paper, the principles of semantics for the logic that describes the formal structure of opening class are proposed and justified, and then the philosophical foundation of the sentential logic based on the Open-World Assumption ( SLO) is established. 本文试图提出与论证描述开放类的逻辑必须遵循的语义原则,为建立开放类逻辑形式公理系统奠定哲学基础。
Because UML lacks of precise semantics, a method is proposed to express the formal semantics of the class diagrams based on the temporal logic language XYZ/ E. 基于UML缺乏精确语义描述的不足,我们提出了基于时序逻辑语言XYZ/E来表示类图形式化语义的方法。
This study is about the formal definition of class diagram, class diagram manipulation and transposition rules. 文中涉及了类图的形式化定义、类图的操作规则和两种模型之间的转换规则。
A Formal Model for Dynamic Class Loading in the Java Virtual Machine Java虚拟机动态类加载的形式化模型
As a kind of formal and informal norm and networks of class action adopted for promoting common benefits, the social capital has aggressive meaning as to the production and cooperation between organizations 、 between persons and the advancement and prosperities of the whole society. 社会资本作为一种为促进共同利益而采取的集体行动的正式和非正式的规范和网络,它对于个人、组织之间的生产和合作乃至整个社会的进步和繁荣具有积极意义。
Giving the education and guidance to the students by strengthening the formal groups, for instance, the building of class and dormitory, carrying out various students 'campaigns, establishing the healthy interpersonal interaction idea and catching key figure. 通过加强班级、寝室等正式群体建设、开展形式多样的学生教育活动、树立健康的人际交往观、抓核心人物等途径进行教育引导。
This research chooses second-year English graduates as subjects and intends to check out whether there is any attrition observed in the nouns which the subjects have learned in their course three months after their formal class training. 本项研究以英语专业二年级研究生为研究对象,旨在调查他们在结束专业课程三个月之后在专业课学习时学到的词汇损耗情况,并进一步探索学习动机对于英语词汇损耗的影响。
The time interval of attrition in this study is three months, namely, from the end of the students 'formal class learning to the beginning of the new term. 本研究的损耗时间跨度为3个月,即从被试结束研究生一年级的专业课学习到暑假后新的学期开学。
As teachers can not understand the concept of curriculum accurately, and they lack the necessary experience and capacity, a formal and inefficient teaching turns up in Information Technology class and the time-consuming, low effective and "thankless" embarrassing phenomenon widespread the classroom. 由于教师对课程理念理解不到位,且缺乏必要的经验和能力,信息技术课堂教学一度出现了形式化、低效化的倾向,课堂上耗时多、收效低、出力不讨好的尴尬现象十分普遍。